Thursday, November 10, 2016


Did you knew that your face can show you your ideal weight?

Most people when meeting someone for the first time, pay extra attention to the person’s face.
Then we should not be surprised by the conclusion of many scientists that the ideal weight does not depend on numbers, nor of the looks of the body, but only from the face.
The scientists explain that the ideal body weight is the one that will make your face look beautiful.Too few kilos will lead to a face “decline”, and the excess kilos will deform your face in another sense.
Therefore, it is necessary to adjust your diet and exercise to your goal. This means that you need to be careful and lose or gain only few pounds, just enough to discover your ideal body weight. You will know that you have achieved your goal when your face looks beautiful.
Experts warn that women should be extra careful in weight variations, because their face is more sensitive to changes than a men’s face. They also point out that the most attractive women have a body mass index of 23.8.


For many people the sit-ups are the most disliked exercise, and yet many want a straight and sturdy stomach. Fortunately, fitness experts have found a solution which, they claim, can replace even a 1,000 sit-ups.

This is a static exercise in which all the weight of the body lays on the hands and toes, and the body is straight as a board.
In carrying out this exercise, the body cannot move an inch, and this is the way to a flat and sturdy stomach,as well as to the painless back, because the strong abdominal muscles support the spine.
If you practice this exercise several times a week for ten minutes a day, you will have better results than if you did a 1,000 sit-ups.


  • Press your palms firmly on the floor and stretch your shoulders so that they are as distant from each other as possible, making sure that your neck is elongated. Your hands should be comfortable, not like they are about to loosen up.
  • Most of the work is in the abdominal muscles, but you should also feel “fire” in your legs.
If you do not have that feeling, set your heels further relying on the toes of the feet so that the quadriceps are more tensed, and then squeeze your buttocks in order to activate the muscles in the lower body.
  • Hold the buttocks lower, not higher. Your body must be as a straight line, and not as a triangle.
  • To make holding this body posture a bit easier, you need to breathe in and out rhythmically.
  • To make sure that your body is straight, imagine a glass of water balancing on your lower back or that a ball rolls from the nape to heel without being stuck in the lower back.


  • Press your hands and knees on the floor so that your wrists are in line with your shoulders and your back is straight. Lift your look about 30 inches in front of you. Your nose needs to be facing the floor and the back of your head needs to be parallel to the ceiling.
  • Extend your right leg to back so that the fingers are bent and then extend your left leg. At this position your whole body weight should layon your hands and toes.
  • Now tight up your entire midsection area muscles and hold them like that for about 20 to 60 seconds.
  • Lower your knees to the floor and sit on your heels so that the thumbs are touching while the knees are separated.
  • Then lower your torso to your thighs, while lightly touching the floor with your forehead. Fully extend your arms in front of you and relax.
  • Repeat this exercise three times. When performing this exercises becomes easier, extend the time for more than 60 seconds.


Arm fat appears because of the piling up of fat in the arms area. Although getting rid from fat in other body areas, getting rid of surplus fat in the arms is quite a demanding task. Moreover, fat accumulation leads to flabbier arms.

Age is also another factor for arm fat. After the 20s, the body begins to store more fat in certain body areas and the lean muscles decrease. The fat is present more than the lean muscles and this is the reason for flabby arms.
Furthermore, decreased metabolism rate is another reason for arm fat. With age, the rate lowers and it burns fewer calories. Lack of physical activity and exercising is another factor for arm fat.
If you have trouble with flabby arms, do not despair, since there is a way to get rid of this persistent fat and have more toned arm muscles with the help of these several exercises. Take a look at the video:
These are some advices which will help you prevent arm fat accumulation:


This is the first step if you want to prevent the arms from becoming shabby since malnutrition can lead to fat accumulation. Your diet must be consisted of fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. Moreover, include more fiber in your meals which will increase the metabolism rate and the calories and excess fat will be burnt. What’s more, your satiety will last longer. Also, consume lean protein and slow-burning carbohydrates more frequently.


Eat smaller meals regularly and this will make you will full while consuming less food.


If you skip breakfast, you will eat more throughout the day.


Drink a lot of water during the day to speed up the metabolism. Moreover, drink water before meals and you will eat less food.


Begin the day with a cup of green tea. Also, drink 3 to 4 cups of green tea during the day and the body will be able to burn the accumulated fat by increasing the metabolism rate.


They will allow you to burn the calories which you gained through food consumption more easily. Moreover, you can also do swimming; skip roping, climbing and rowing to prevent fat pilling up in your body.


Always choose stairs rather than elevator because they enable you to get rid of surplus calories!
If you perform these exercises on a daily basis, followed by the abovementioned advices, you will be able to lower the amount of fat in your arms.


Emma Sealey from the English town of Redich was so overweight that she could not tie the seat belt in her car. And today thanks to this diet and a daily work out Emma weighs 125 kilograms less.The most important thing is that she did not consent to any surgical procedures.
This 35-year-old woman was convinced that she would die before her 40th birthday, because of her excessive weight. At that time she weighed 181 kilograms.
Despite the pleas of her loved ones to go and see her doctor and ask for an implanting a ring in her stomach, she opted for a healthier way to lose weight.
She wore clothes size 36, and in two years she managed to replace her old clothes with new ones, which were size 8. Now her weight scale shows brilliant 56.7 kilograms!
Emma said that she could barely walk to her fiancés’ car, and even when she could reach the car, she could not put her seat belt on. She also added that whenever she stood on the weight scale she was disgusted with herself.

Emma began to gain weight in her childhood, when her close friend died, and she found comfort in the food. She visited her doctor in the hope that he would send her to a special department where she could get help and reduce her body weight.
When she visited her doctor, for the first time after many years, Emma stepped on a weight scale. The doctor didn’t had to say anything, she immediately knew that she had to lose weight as soon as possible or she would die before turning 40.
With the help of some local advisers for body weight from Cambridge, she first began to get rid of all the bad habits that she had in her daily diet.
Before beginning her weight loss regime, Emma usually did not eat her breakfast, but for lunch she usually had sausages, cheese and chips with onion, and for dinner she usually had chicken with curry and rice with bread. Her favorite snack was chocolate.


During her weight loss regime she usually had cereal with skim milk for breakfast, for lunch she had tuna sandwich with black bread, while for dinner she usually had boiled fish and fresh vegetables. And as for the snacks, she replaced the chocolate with apples, pears, strawberries and oranges.
Gradually she began to lose six kilograms a month. Except the proper nutrition, Emma began to train regularly with a personal trainer, and when the weather was nice, she went running and cycling.
She says that she has more confidence and she is very proud of herself for losing 125 kilograms. Now she loves walking next to a window and watching her figure.


By consuming this drink for a month, you will lose three to five pounds, which will be noticed mainly on your belly.

Sluggish intestine is usually blamed for the excess weight around your belly. This is because the sluggish intestine prevents the fat from burning and also slows down the elimination of all impurities from the body.
However according to some nutritionists there is a very simple solution to this problem. All you need to do is to drink this amazingly healthy cocktail. In fact this cocktail should replace your breakfast, and the preparation is very easy and quick.
Recipe: For preparation of this healthy potion you will need six prunes, 100 milliliters of boiled water, 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, a teaspoon of ground flax seeds, a tablespoon of cocoa, 300 ml of kefir and plums. Now all you need to do is boil the water and pour it over the prunes and then leave it to stay like that for about 10 minutes. Repeat this procedure every night.

Then take another bowl and put 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, one tablespoon of ground flax seeds and one teaspoon of cocoa in it. Now add the 300 ml of kefir and stir well. Then you need to chop the plums and add them to the mixture.
Finally you need to put the cocktail in the fridge and leave it there over the night. Drink this cocktail every morning on an empty stomach.
After only a month of consuming this drink you will lose three to five pounds, which will be noticeable mainly on your belly. But that’s not the most important thing. The most important thing is that you will feel a lot better, healthier, full with energy and your hair and nail will strengthen too.

Ginger and cinnamon are not only spices that positively influence the body line, but they are also the ones who provide the fastest results.

These 2 drinks can be consumed on daily basis if you want to lose weight. Drinking these drinks you can lose 3kg in 7 days. After drinking these drinks for 7 days you need to make a break of 7 days.


  • 500ml of water
  • 50ml of yoghurt
  • 3 bags of black tea
  • teaspoon of cinnamon
  • teaspoon of ginger
  • teaspoon of honey
  • teaspoon of curry
Bring the water to a boiling point and then add all the ingredients except the yogurt. When the liquid has cooled, strain it and finally add the yogurt. Mix it well.

Drink this beverage instead of dinner. After drinking this drink you must not eat, you can only drink water.


  • 80ml of water
  • 170ml of milk
  • teaspoon of ginger
  • teaspoon of cinnamon
  • teaspoon of curry
In boiling water, add the spices and then add the milk. Stir the mixture until you get a clear liquid. This drink should be consumed before bedtime.


Cleansing Lemon Diet

This is a 14 days cleansing and weight loss lemon diet that will detox your body and help you lose up to 10 pounds.
Some might thing that lemon is not the best fruit choice for a healthy weight loss diet. In spite of its culinary popularity it is hard to imagine eating a whole lemon all at once.
Luckily, you will not have to eat whole lemons following this lemon diet. Instead you will use the fat burning lemon properties to help you get rid of extra pounds.

Lemon Diet Plan

As I mentioned above the duration of lemon cleansing and weight loss diet is 14 days. You may continue with your regular eating habits (assuming that you already know how to eat healthy) during this period. Nevertheless, try to limit your consumption of salt, sugar, and do not overeat.
The plan is very simple: every morning before breakfast drink the following amount of lemon juice mixed with water.
Tip: Flush your mouth with fresh water right after to prevent your teeth from being destroyed by citric acid.
  • Day 1 Juice from 1 lemon mixed with 1 glass of fresh water.
  • Day 2 Juice from 2 lemons mixed with 2 glass of fresh water.
  • Day 3 Juice from 3 lemons mixed with 3 glass of fresh water.
  • Day 4 Juice from 4 lemons mixed with 4 glass of fresh water.
  • Day 5 Juice from 5 lemons mixed with 5 glass of fresh water.
  • Day 6 Juice from 6 lemons mixed with 6 glass of fresh water.
  • Day 7 Juice from 3 lemons mixed with 10 glasses of fresh water. Add 1 tables spoon of honey and drink the mixture during the whole day.
  • Day 8 Juice from 6 lemons mixed with 6 glass of fresh water.
  • Day 9 Juice from 5 lemons mixed with 5 glass of fresh water.
  • Day 10 Juice from 4 lemons mixed with 4 glass of fresh water.
  • Day 11 Juice from 3 lemons mixed with 3 glass of fresh water.
  • Day 12 Juice from 2 lemons mixed with 2 glass of fresh water.
  • Day 13 Juice from 1 lemon mixed with 1 glass of fresh water.
  • Day 14 Juice from 3 lemons mixed with 10 glasses of fresh water. Add 1 tablespoon of honey and drink the mixture during the whole day.
Note: If you find it difficult to drink all that lemon juice at once, drink as much as you can and leave the rest for later. Just make sure you drink it at least 1 hour before your meals.
This diet is not recommended for people with gastrointestinal problems. If you are not sure: consult with your doctor first.
Lemon diet is especially effective in fall or spring time when our bodies need extra vitamins and detoxification. If you combine lemon diet with low calorie diet you will get even better results!


We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, especially if you want to lose weight. But if you start feeling hungry around 10 or 11 o’clock,you should start thinking about how to better choose the food for the most important meal of the day.
The best choice is – oatmeal.It was confirmed by the latest study, published in the Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism.
The study included 36 men and women who were divided into three different groups: the first ate oatmeal for breakfast, the other cornflakes, and the third is skipped breakfast and drank only water.
Both the first and second group consumed 350 calories in total. Through the next three hours, all participants had to repeatedly record their state of satiety, and gave blood samples in order to monitor their blood sugar and insulin levels. After that they all got the same lunch.
As they expected, the scientists confirmed that the group of people who ate oatmeal was the least hungry during the morning and afternoon, and they ate and 31 percent fewer calories at lunch. Furthermore, oatmeal had a favorable effect in overweight people, as they consumed 50 percent fewer calories at lunch.
Subjects who ate cornflakes were already hungry, three hours after breakfast.The third group was also hungry after 3 hours.
Why was the second group hungry, even though they ate the same amount of calories? This is because, oatmeal is retained in the stomach longer, while cornflakes cause a large increase in blood glucose, and then force a quick and sudden drop.
This research is just one of many that confirm how much oatmeal is useful if you want to lose weight, because those 31 to 50 percent fewer calories will certainly be felt and noticed over a longer period of time.


Oats and its derivatives, such as pulp and flakes, are extremely healthy, but also taste very good. If you think that you can only eat oatmeal for breakfast, you are wrong. You can mix it with almost every dish, as a side dish, supplement stew, a salad or in a sweet versions. It can be the basis for healthy desserts, such as cookies.


The fibers oats contain, act to increase the volume of the consumed amount in our digestive system. In addition, thanks to the fiber, digestion is stimulated.That’s why oats are an ideal food for those who want to lose weight.


Rich in healthy fiber, oatmeal has the ability to bind fat for themselves, and thus lowers the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood. This way they protect the health of the heart and blood vessels and reduce the risk of heart attacks and stroke.


Of all the foods that can stabilize your blood pressure, oats are one of the most powerful. The active ingredient is oatmeal lignan, a vegetable fiber. Studies have shown that regular intake of lignan can lower blood pressure by up to 30 percent.


Oats reduce the risk of colon cancer, according to a study published in the British Medical Journal. In addition, studies have shown that oats reduce the risk of breast, prostate and ovarian cancer.


If you want to completely modify your appearance and lose 10 kg, despite the good will, you’ll need lemons.

This diet melts away the pounds and fat, but it strengthens the body and purifies the blood and lymph.
Some might say that the lemon isn’t the best choice for a healthy diet and weight loss. Despite their popularity in cooking and for drinks, some people can’t imagine eating a whole lemon.
Fortunately, you won’t have to eat the lemon. Instead, you’ll use the properties of lemon for burning fat, which will in turn help to get rid of excess weight.
Many professional dietitians and nutritionists argue that lemon contains all the necessary elements to break down fat and thereby facilitate weight loss.
Among other things, lemon contains citric acid, which helps burn fat, accelerate the metabolism, and in addition reduces appetite. Citric acid contributes to the intensive production of stomach acid, and, as a result, improves digestion. Lemon peel contains pectin, which helps regulate blood sugar levels.
There are many different vitamins that can be found in lemons, including vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system, and is also an important factor in the process of losing weight. Overall, lemon is an incredible fruit with which you can clean your body, clean your blood and lymph, speed up your metabolism and in addition lose weight and prevent certain diseases.
The lemon diet is very simple. Each morning before breakfast, drink a certain amount of lemon juice mixed with water.
Tip: Rinse your mouth with fresh water immediately after drinking lemon juice to prevent damage to the enamel.
Day 1: Juice of 1 lemon mixed with 1 glass of fresh water.
Day 2: Juice of 2 lemons mixed with 2 glasses of fresh water.

Day 3: Juice of 3 lemons mixed with 3 glasses of fresh water.
Day 4: Juice of 4 lemons mixed with 4 glasses of fresh water.
Day 5:Juice of 5 lemons mixed with 5 glasses of fresh water.
Day 6: Juice of 6 lemons mixed with 6 glasses of fresh water.
Day 7: Juice of 3 lemons mixed with 10 glasses of fresh water. Add 1 tablespoon of honey and drink the mixture throughout the day.
Day 8: Juice of 6 lemons mixed with 6 glasses of fresh water.
Day 9: Juice of 5 lemons mixed with 5 glasses of fresh water.
Day 10: Juice of 4 lemons mixed with 4 glasses of fresh water.
Day 11: Juice of 3 lemons mixed with 3 glasses of fresh water.
Day 12: Juice of 2 lemons mixed with 2 glasses of fresh water.
Day 13: Juice of 1 lemon mixed with 1 glass of fresh water.
Day 14: Juice of 3 lemons mixed with 10 glasses of fresh water. Add 1 tablespoon of honey and drink the mixture throughout the day.
If you find it difficult to drink it all at once, drink as much as you can and leave the rest for later. Just make sure that you drink it at least one hour before a meal.
This diet isn’t recommended for people with gastrointestinal problems.
The lemon diet is especially effective in the fall or spring, at a time when our bodies need extra vitamins and detoxification.
If you combine the lemon diet with a low calorie intake can get even better results. Eat five small meals, don’t overeat, don’t eat any pasta, pastries and white bread.
Forget sodas, sugary drinks or alcohol. Avoid snacks, chips, flips, and sweets.


In an ideal world, all of your bras would fit perfectly all the time. However, since we’re living in the real world, this doesn’t happen.

Over the course of winter, maybe you’ve gained a couple of pounds. Or maybe, the stressful few weeks at work got to you. And as a result, your most-expensive bra just doesn’t quite fit.You can squeeze into it sure, but it creates bulges and bumps in all the wrong places. If this is the case, then we’ve got the exercises for you.


Being the most common exercises, push-ups really work. Push-ups give a phenomenal full body exercise. Plus, you can do them anytime, anywhere. They also do great things for your back.You should feel the strain right between your shoulder blades as you push yourself up.
How To:Make sure you’re holding your core tight the entire time. This should help you with holding your back straight. Breathe out as you push up.
You can also do lay down push-ups. Start by laying down with your arms in front of you. Then, quickly move to a push-up position and lift yourself off the ground. After, lower yourself back to the ground and go back to the starting position.


One of the best exercises for your upper back, it has become a mainstay in many trainers’ repertoires because it also sculpts the arms and core. It’s a great compound exercise.
How To:Start by standing, with your feet at shoulder width apart. Bend your knees slightly, with the dumbbells hanging down by your side, and your back bent at a roughly 45 degree angle. Start pulling the weights up to your sides, bending your elbows, squeezing your shoulder blades together.
Make sure your body stays as still as possible while doing the reps.The exact angle of your back is less important than it remaining straight. We recommend doing two or three sets of 15, with whatever weight you prefer. Start with lighter weights, and gradually increase the weight as you go along.


Another full body exercise targeting your back. Targeting one area of fat is really hard, however doing more compound exercises helps to decrease your overall body fat percent and increase your metabolism.
How To:Like the in the previous exercise, start by standing, with your feet at shoulder width apart. Hold the weights at your shoulders, and bend your knees. Lower your thighs until they are nearly parallel with the floor.The action should mimic sitting down in a chair and your back should remain straight. Be sure to keep your core tight.
Then proceed to power up by straightening your legs, and lifting the weights overhead until your arms are straight. Lower them and repeat. Try three sets of 10 with a comfortable weight.


While they might not seem like the obvious choice, mountain climbers are a great full-body exercise that will help you tone your abs, legs, and back, which works to stabilize your body.
How To:Start by getting into the plank position. Keep your arms and back straight. Then quickly raise one leg at a time, bringing your knee to your chest and back down. Do thirty in a row.
Doing these four exercises in a circuit, equals in a great workout for your arms, legs, abs, and back. We recommend doing repeating the circuit two or three times.
If you do these exercises a few times a week, you’ll be able to slip right into that expensive bra in no time.


When the temperatures are high, we search for something refreshing and healthy. Summer is the period when we are not so hungry, luckily. The markets are full of fruits and vegetables. Here is how you can make a meal that will cool you off, feed you and help you lose weight!


  • 4 to 5 leaves of spinach
  • ½ pineapples
  • 1 cucumber (unpeeled)
  • Several mint leaves
  • Half a lemon or lime
  • Fresh orange juice


  1. Wash the fruits and vegetables
  2. Cut the pineapple and cucumber to pieces
  3. Put all of the ingredients in a blender and add water and the orange juice
  4. Mix the ingredients well and add several ice cubes if you want to. If you want more sweetness, add a teaspoon of honey.
The pineapple originates from the Caribbean island, not from South America as it is usually considered and was discovered by Columbus in 1493. It contains bromelain, a group of enzymes which dissolve the proteins i.e. help in the digestion process. But this is not all. Clinical researches proved that they efficiently cured inflammations and decreased swellings in acute diseases such as sinuses, throat inflammations, arthritis, gout and they can speed up the recovery after injuries and operations. In order to fully take advantage of these properties, the consumption of pineapple is recommended in between meals. Bromelain is found in the stalks and in the edible inside part of the fruit, however they become inactive when exposed to heat so the juice or the canned pineapple are not a good source of these enzymes and therefore the raw fruit is the best.
Being rich in vitamin C, pineapple protects the organism from free radicals that cause atherosclerosis, bronchitis, heart diseases related to diabetes, asthmatic attacks, and osteoarthritis and rheumatoid; damage the colon cells which can lead to cancer.
Nutrition rich in vitamin C positively affects the functioning of the immune system.
Research conducted at the Institute for Medical Research in Australia (QIMR) discovered two molecules in the pineapple stalk that showed antitumor effect. The molecule CCS prevents protein damage and the other one, CCZ, helps the immune system in destroying carcinogenic cells. Moreover, they are effective in a wide scale of carcinogenic cells such as tumor cells of breasts, lungs, colon, ovaries and melanoma. Dr. Mynott stated that these molecules are a totally different approach from clinical procedures i.e. medicines that are used nowadays.
The expert magazine Archives of Ophthalmology published a study which recommends a consumption of at least 3 fruit meals per day in order to lower the risk from macular degeneration which develops in old age.


We present to you a great elixir that will give you energy, fix your complexion and reduce drooping belly.


  • ½ – 1 tbsp. turmeric powder;
  • ½ – 1 tablespoons of powdered ginger;
  • ½ teaspoon cayenne pepper;
  • 5 tablespoons lemon juice;
  • Stevia to taste;
  • 1 liter of water.


Boil 1 liter of water. After you bring it to a boil,remove it from stove-top.

In a pitcher, add the other ingredients, as well as the water. Stir it well, and sip it throughout the day.

"Eat Less, Move More” – The most Terrible Advice for Weight Loss!

Genetics and “where food” was growing up, important are two factors that may be responsible for the fact that some people simply feel more hunger than others. People with obesity are not inherent lazy. Lose weight and maintain the weight at the desired level is actually very difficult. Only a small percentage of people were successful- says the former athlete and doctor Spencer Nadolsky. He believes that it is absurd for people who are trying to lose weight advice to eat less and move more. If it was indeed a solution, in the world would not be so many people who struggle with obesity. ”

He approached in a different way. As explained, patients should talk and reveal how much the individual actually knows about obesity and weight loss, how to feed and what takes to solve the unwanted pounds. Then it is necessary to identify what is the problem why the pounds do not melt. “I had a patient who swore that daily he consumed about 1,200 calories”- assures Nadolsky. And then when you grab a little deeper you get information that a man cannot abstain when he felt hungry. Such person need something to reduce appetite and then everything gets better.
However, many of the biggest obstacles on the way to lose weight are the money. Various products for weighting hunger are expensive, and to pay a personal trainer at the gym also requires a certain level of costs. And that is why many give up from their plan. Nadolsky claims that it is great idea to find an online support group and learn from others’ experiences and have the support to move on when become the hardest for you.

“Someone advised to eat less and more moving really is terrible advice!”


Problems with inflated abdomen are very common. However, the final solution to this problem lies in the glass of the healthiest water. Replace the glass of plain water with this refreshing vitamin replacement and enjoy the perfect potion against flatulence.

Water is an integral part of our body and therefore it is very important to drink it regularly and in sufficient quantities. The recommended dose of 8 glasses is average, and even though, every organism is different, this rule shouldn’t be ignored.
Bloated stomach causes indigestion and dehydration, so it’s time to reach for the fastest solution that lies in the refreshing summer water.
Drinking water can be useful, especially if you want to provide your body with the necessary electrolytes and vitamins, and if you want to get rid of bloating.


  • One three liter jar;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 1 tablespoon of grated ginger;
  • 1 medium sized cucumber;
  • 1 medium sized lemon;
  • 12 fresh mint leaves (or 1 teaspoon dried).


Wash the cucumber and cut it into thin slices. Do the same with the lemon.
Peel and grate the ginger. Add it in the jar along with the other ingredients.
Pour water, stir the ingredients and place the jar in the fridge overnight.
Drink a glass of water in the morning, preferably on an empty stomach, and every time you feel thirsty.


The dream of many women is to find a natural substance that will make their breasts a bit fuller, and their waist thinner. Fenugreek is a miraculous herb that helps in the reconstruction of the entire organism.
It’s one of the oldest medicinal plants, dating back to the ancient Egyptians and Hippocrates.
Fenugreek can be classified as a natural wonder of the ancient times, when it was very acclaimed and respected.
In treatment and nutrition,we use its seed, a necessary component in curry and other spices, popular in India and the Middle East.
These seeds can be found in almost every health food store.


Fenugreek seedsare a rich source of protein, minerals, vitamins and phytonutrients.
Among the medicinal compounds, fenugreek contains choline, trigonelline diosgenin, jamogenin, tigogenin and neotigogenin.
From valuable minerals, it contains copper, iron, magnesium and manganese.


There are several ways to use this valuable seed.
In Western herbal medicine, it’s used as a tea for expelling excess mucus from the sinuses, throat, chest, and upper respiratory tract.
It’s effective against allergies and fever.
When used as an extract or powder, fenugreek becomes a valuable tonic and super food.
It stimulates the metabolism of the liver and kidneys and generally warms the body.
Fenugreek soothes and heals the lining of the respiratory, digestive and urogenital tract. It also lowers blood cholesterol, after 10 days of application.
Use it as a supplement to your daily diet. Add two teaspoons a day in your yogurt, fruit juice or smoothie.


Fenugreek is great for health problems, such as diabetes and high cholesterol.
Fenugreek achieves excellent results in the treatment of diabetes. Itstrikes a balance in sugar levels in both types of diabetes due to amino acid 4-hydroxy-isoleucine, which controls the release of insulin.
Also, modern researches support the traditional use of fenugreek in lowering and controlling blood sugar levels.
According to some sources, taking 50 g fenugreek a day on average, leads to a 30 percent improvementwithin 10 days.Fenugreek is also popular in the treatment of cardiovascular problems, as it reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels and helps protect against atherosclerosis and hardening of the arteries.
For this purpose, the recommended dose is 10 to 20 grams a day.


Fenugreek, in the treatment of the digestive system, can work in several ways: it can stimulate digestion, or it can awaken the appetite and eliminate excess mucus.
Fenugreek’s ingredients protect and heal the intestinal mucosa, reduce colic and cramps and bowel runs.
As a bitter tonic, it has a beneficial effect on the liver and spleen, improving their metabolism.
Fenugreek can be used for severe indigestion, lack of appetite, weakness, colic, diarrhea and an increase in liver and spleen.
Be careful, as fenugreek has an astringent and bitter taste.


Although it sounds incredible, fenugreek can enhance breasts, because it contains phytoestrogens, which affect the growth of the breasts and the water retention in the tissue. There are two ways to do this: massage and drinking tea.

Fenugreek seeds can be purchased at any herbal pharmacy.You should soak them in water overnight. The next day,using water in which the seeds left their nutrients, massage your breasts.
You can also make tea for this purpose.
Put two teaspoons of fenugreek seeds in 2 dl cold water. Bring the water to a boil, cover it and let itsit for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.Then strain the tea. You can add honey and fresh lemon if you want to make the taste more pleasant. Drink slowly, in small sips. Drink no more than two cups a day.


In addition four beauty, fenugreek is also good for nursing mothers, because it stimulates milk production, soothes infants, supplying them with iron and helps in weight gain.
Also, it reduces the problems of PMS.
Because of the effects it can have the uterus, consume it a few days before giving birth, because it induces contractions and eases the very act of giving birth.


In addition to helping women, fenugreek is also good for men, because of the diosgenin it contains. Diosgenin strengthens sexual prowess and heals many sexual problems.


Fenugreek is a highly valued in external application.
It can be used as a coating for gout, severe skin ulcers, fistulas, fertilizing bones and open wounds on the feet.
When used for skin care, it rejuvenates the skin and removes impurities.
As a hair tonic, it helps with hair falling out and treat infections caused by the fungus Achorion Schonlein.
For hair loss, massage your head with ground seeds mixed with olive oil.


Put two teaspoons of fenugreek seeds in 2 dl cold water. Bring the water to a boil, cover it and let it sit for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then strain the tea. You can add honey and fresh lemon if you want to make the taste more pleasant. Drink slowly, in small sips.

As a compress, it helps with skin inflammation (boils, abscesses). It also helps with respiratory problems, and also has the ability to lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels.


The seeds can be cooked to a pulp or ground into powder (ground into powder is more effective). Eat half a teaspoon, twice a day to improve digestion.
Drink a tablespoon of ground fenugreek (with water), three times a day, before meals to strengthen the body in its entirety.


To make the laxative, dilute a teaspoon fresh-ground fenugreek seeds in 2.5 ounces of water and drink one to three times a day.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

26 Weight-Loss Myths You Shouldn't Believe

The truth about getting slim

When it comes to losing weight, there are a lot of misconceptions and just plain half-baked advice out there. Not only can believing them derail your diet efforts, it can also mess with your health. We consulted with experts to pinpoint the most notorious (and plan-sabotaging) weight-loss myths, and get the truth about how you can shed pounds safely and smartly. Oh, and if someone tries to offer you any of these "tips"? Just cue up your favorite workout mix, put your earbuds in, and tune them out.

Myth: A detox is a good way to make a clean start

"Most of the time, detox diets are more like a crash diet," says Melissa Rifkin, MS, RD, a bariatric dietitian at Montefiore Health System in New York City. "They restrict certain food groups and sometimes deprive the body of adequate calories and nutrition for a short period of time." In fact, detox diets are notorious for causing weight gain: "When the body feels deprived and then foods are reintroduced, our bodies will regain more weight as if in fear of another starvation or restriction," Rifkin says. If a detox appeals to you, consult with your doctor on whether or not the benefits it promises are the real deal.

Myth: Cut 3,500 calories, lose a pound

While "calories in vs. calories out" may be the foundation of slimming down, it's not the only equation at work. Yes, you need to burn more calories than you consume in order to lose weight, but the weight you lose will be a combination of fat, lean tissue, and water—and your body's metabolism will adapt to those losses, making the math a bit more complicated. For a better sense of what your personal calorie intake and activity levels should be, plug your personal details into the National Institutes of Health's Body Weight Planner, which will use your current weight and target weight to calculate the right numbers for you.

Myth: Carbs are the enemy

Between the low-carb and Paleo crazes, we've all learned to fear the bread basket. But you don't have to eliminate carbohydrates from your diet to lose weight and be healthier. In fact, healthy carb sources such as fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and beans and legumes (aka pulses) are an important, nutrient- and fiber-rich part of any diet. (However, experts agree you should aim to cut down on refined carbs, including white rice, white pasta, processed snacks, and sweets.)

Myth: If you want results, you have to hit the gym hard

Resolving to exercise regularly is well and good, but asking your body to adapt to a rigorous new routine overnight can backfire. "This can lead to injury or burnout, which keeps you from participating in any exercise at all," says Abraham Krikhely, MD, a bariatric surgeon at ColumbiaDoctors in New York City. "It's demoralizing and can lead to behaviors that cause even more weight gain. For most people, it can be much more effective and sustainable to gradually build muscle and tolerance, and do those exercises you enjoy."

Myth: Fat makes you fat

Not so: "In a review of 53 randomized controlled trials lasting a year or more, high-fat diets consistently beat out low-fat diets for weight loss," says Mark Hyman, MD, director of the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine and author of Eat Fat, Get Thin ($28; "Fat, it turns out, cuts your appetite, boosts your calorie burning and prevents fat storage, while sugar and refined carbs do the opposite." Cutting out sugar and refined carbs, eating mostly vegetables with some fruit, and then consuming fat (in the form of olive oil, avocados, nuts and seeds, coconut butter, and grass-fed or sustainably and organically raised animal foods) is "the fastest and most effective way to create sustained weight loss," he says.

Myth: Late-night meals lead to weight gain, period

While some research has associated late-night calorie intake with higher BMI, the debate about when we should or shouldn't eat dinner is far from over. "My favorite weight-loss myth is 'Don't eat after 7 p.m.,' says Rifkin. "But if you wake up late, 7 p.m. might be too early to cut yourself off from food. My suggestion is to eat within an hour to two hours of waking, don't go for more than four to six hours between meals, and don't eat two hours before bed. That structure is helpful for creating a good meal-timing foundation."

Myth: Certain treats just have to go

Banishing favorite foods in the context of a diet isn't sustainable; it's far more effective to eat the foods you love in a more mindful way instead of avoiding them completely. "Sit down, savor them, be aware of portions," says Susan Albers, PsyD, a clinical psychologist at the Cleveland Clinic specializing in weight-loss and eating issues and author of 50 More Ways to Soothe Yourself Without Food ($17; "Chocolate lovers can practice eating a one-ounce square of chocolate mindfully each day; doing so will take out the power and craving, and teach you that you can be in control."

Myth: A little competition will keep you motivated

"It's essential not to compare yourself to others," says Albers. "Our bodies are like a fingerprint; no two are remotely the same. Not only can trying to match someone else's weight loss goals be way off from what is realistic for you, but it can be discouraging." The best guidepost for your goals is, logically enough, your own "best version" of yourself; working your way back into your own favorite pair of jeans makes infinitely more sense than worrying about your gym buddy's progress.

Myth: Low-fat foods will help you lose weight

Surprise: Many low-fat foods (and reduced-fat and fat-free foods) have just as many calories as the full-fat versions, and they may even contain more sugar and additives to help them taste better without the fat. And a low-fat label can lead you to overeat, thanks to the "health halo" cast by those magic words. In many cases, you may be better off eating a smaller (but more satisfying) portion of the real deal. With salad dressing, for example, the full-fat version can actually be healthier: Fat helps your body absorb important nutrients from the veggies in your salad.

Myth: It takes a lot of time and effort to lose weight

In a perfect world, we'd all have time each day to fit in a workout and prepare satisfying-yet-healthful meals for our families and ourselves. But the reality is that most of us don't have that time and never will—so we should be careful not to fall into the trap of what Albers calls the "wait-until approach." "Waiting until life 'settles down' is a recipe for disaster," she says. "Come to terms with the fact that life will always be filled with stress and unpredictable events. Now is the time to get started." You don't have to overhaul your daily routine—small tweaks can have big results!

Myth: It's bad to cheat on your diet

On the contrary: By intentionally building a couple of so-called "cheats" into your weekly eating plan—high-quality sweets like a scoop of premium ice cream, cocktails with your girlfriends, a slice of your favorite pizza, or even bacon on your salad—you can enjoy your meals more and avoid feeling deprived, making you much more likely to stay on track long-term. Budget 200-300 calories for each indulgence, and you won't derail the virtuous decisions you've been making the rest of the week.

Myth: If you're exercising a lot, you don't really have to watch what you eat

Once that love affair with spin classes finally takes off and you're working hard, it's tempting to treat yourself as a reward. "However, the amount of calories you burn from exercise is often modest when compared with the calories you can influence by changing your diet," Dr. Krikhely says. (Thirty minutes of running, for example, burns around 320 calories—you could cancel that out with one frozen margarita!) "It's important to develop healthy habits that involve both nutrition and exercise."

Myth: All sugar is the enemy

"Processed sugars like table sugars should be avoided at all costs; in fact, the new dietary guidelines recommend no more than 200 calories per day from sugar," Rifkin says. However, you don't have to shun naturally occurring sugars (like in fruit or dairy). That said, "the key here is moderation," she continues. "Pairing a sugar and protein source (such as an apple and peanut butter) is always a smart idea in order to maintain good glycemic control. When we have sugar spikes, we tend to get shaky and crave more sugar."

Myth: Healthy food doesn't taste good

Experts recommend that you try a food 10 times before concluding that you don't like it. No, seriously: A 2010 study found that children offered the same veggies once a week over the course of 10 weeks reported liking items they'd enjoyed less in previous weeks. Also, if you've been eating a lot of processed foods, their hidden additives can mess with your palate, making you crave more salt and sugar (and making whole foods taste dull in comparison). Retrain your taste buds by gradually cutting back on packaged food, cooking at home as much as possible.

Myth: Meal-replacement shakes should be avoided at all costs

Though whole-foods advocates are fond of disparaging "meals in a can," the American Diabetes Association has reported that meal-replacement products, including shakes and bars, can be an effective way of slimming down if you're overweight or obese. "In some circumstances," Dr. Krikhely says, "we do recommend a liquid diet or meal replacement shakes plus added fiber for one to two weeks to extinguish bad habits and jump-start weight loss." The common thread here is that these products are helpful in extremely controlled settings; if you're sipping a shake to counteract a day of otherwise unmonitored eating, you're not doing yourself any favors.

Myth: Skipping meals will help you cut calories

Skipping breakfast (or lunch, or dinner) will just make you hungry and cranky, and you're likely to blow through those "saved" calories (and more) when you're ravenous later in the day. "It's easy to overeat quickly and make poor food choices when you're starving and exhausted," Dr. Krikhely notes. In fact, a 2012 study found that women who missed meals lost eight fewer pounds over the course of a year than those who ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day.

Myth: To lose weight, you have to get used to feeling hungry

If your belly is rumbling all day, you're probably not making smart food choices. Meals that are too low in protein and high in refined carbs can cause blood-sugar spikes—as well as crashes that will leave you feeling depleted and ravenous. Pick diet-friendly filling foods that are high in fiber (such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables, beans and seeds) along with high-quality proteins, and you'll feel full longer (even on fewer calories!). Plus, your blood sugar will be on a more even keel throughout the day.

Myth: You can eat as much healthy fat as you want

Before you pick up your fourth piece of avocado toast, consider this: Though it's true that the monounsaturated fats found in liquid-based plant oils, nuts, seeds, and that Instagram-friendly avocado can have a positive effect on your health in moderation—and are vastly preferable to saturated fats and trans fats, which have a negative effect on your health—all fats contain 9 calories per gram. Eating too much of anything, even the "good" stuff, can hamper your weight-loss progress.

Myth: Alcohol is out

If you're trying to lose weight, yes, chances are you're going to need to cut down on alcohol consumption. Aside from the empty calories in alcohol itself, drinking can mess with your willpower, making you more likely to overeat or indulge in greasy, high-calorie foods (hello, midnight chili cheese fries!). But you don't have to cut booze out of your life completely. Limit yourself to just one drink, and go for lower-carb beverages like light beer or a dry wine—and skip the sugary mixers.

Myth: Labels don't lie

According to FDA guidelines, the caloric and fat content of a product can vary by up to 20% from what's printed on its nutritional label. This means that, say, a 100-calorie snack pack could actually ring in at 120 calories—and if you're counting calories based mostly on packaged foods, you could be way off by the end of the day. That doesn't mean you should ignore the labels entirely: "Research indicates that people who check out the back of packages lose more weight; they become more aware of and attuned to what they are eating and how it makes their bodies feel," Dr. Albers says.

Myth: You can't fight "fat genes"

While genes can play a role in obesity, you can still overcome that genetic tendency with diet and exercise. Remember, too, that the most common reason why some families are overweight while others aren't has nothing to do with genetics. Behaviors are inherited; children learn good and poor eating habits at their parents' dinner table. If your parents and other family members were or are overweight, you can still break the cycle of "environmental" obesity by resolving to make better choices at your table.

Myth: You don't need to track your food intake

Most people underestimate how much they eat. In a 2007 study in which diners at an Italian restaurant were filmed on a hidden camera, 31% couldn't remember afterward how much bread they ate, and 12% who were filmed eating bread said they hadn't had any at all (how's that for selective amnesia?). Giving a food diary a try—and comparing your notes to what you recall eating after, say, a week—will help you put a stop to mindless munching.

Myth: A calorie is a calorie

The truth is, there are high-quality calories (ones that come with nutrients and fiber, for example) and low-quality ones. This means that what you eat is just as important as how much. "Some approaches say, 'sure, have marshmallows for lunch as long as you stay under a certain calorie amount!'" says Albers. "What you eat does matter in terms of what's going on inside. A bowl of marshmallows will make your sugar spike and then drop. How you feel will drop, too—in an hour, you'll feel awful!"

Myth: Green is always good

Kermit the Frog-colored smoothies are awfully healthy-looking, and they do crop up in the context of many weight-loss plans—but should green juice be synonymous with health? Not all juices are created equal; those that are sweetened with fruit juices and purées can be carb- and calorie-heavy, Dr. Krikhely notes, and therefore can lead to weight gain. Juices are also not as filling as whole produce; eating a salad or raw green veggies will leave you feeling more satiated (and less likely to snack).

Myth: Nixing gluten results in weight loss

When people lose weight by going gluten-free, it's usually because they give up foods that contain both gluten and refined carbohydrates (such as pasta and baked goods). In other words, it's the absence of those fat-cell-feeding excess carbs that's actually making the difference in their waistlines. If you simply swap in gluten-free versions of the same packaged foods, you're unlikely to see much difference on the scale. (Ironically, some people who suffer from celiac disease gain weight after giving up gluten because their digestive systems are finally able to absorb the calories they consume.)

Myth: Once you find an eating-and-exercise plan that works, you're home free

Our bodies' requirements and capabilities fluctuate for all kinds of reasons, which means that the routines we set for them will need to change every now and then as well. "Understand that weight loss is a journey," Dr. Krikhely says. "What works may not always work. Your preferences may change. Life events may happen and cause you to fall off track. The weight can come back. This is normal—it is not a failure." Lasting success stems from knowing that adjustment is inevitable, and being open to it when the time comes to change.